Monday, November 12, 2012

memcpy() and memmove()

                                                    memcpy() and memmove()

memcpy does a mindless copy, regardless of whether there are shared bytes between the source and destination: 

 void *memcpy (void *dst, const void *src, size_t n)


   char *a = dst;

   const char *b = src; 

   while (n--)

    *a++ = *b++;


   return dst;


memmove does backward copy  and takes care of overwritten value of shared bytes:

void *memmove(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n) 


 char *a = dst; 

 const char *b = src;

 if (a <= b || b >= (a + n)) {

/* No overlap, use memcpy logic or can use memcpy itself(copy forward) */ 

 while (n--) 

 *a++ = *b++;


else { 

 /* Overlap! Copy backward to fix */ 

 a = a + n - 1; 

 b = b + n - 1;

while (n--) 

 *a-- = *b--; 


 return dst;